Journal of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine

MEET DR. NORM SHEALY – HOLISTIC PAIN & DEPRESSION SPECIALIST Norman Shealy is one of the world’s leading experts in pain & depression management. He was the first physician to specialize in the resolution of chronic pain. A pioneer in developing safe and...

How Safe Is Your Cookware?

You maybe trying to eat healthy by buying organic fruits and veggies and cooking home meals, but you may not realize the pots and pans you use to cook are poisoning you. You may not even give a second thought about what you use to prepare your meals. You may even feel...


A “CMS 3000 TENS unit” is a pocket size, portable, battery-operated device that sends electrical impulses to certain parts of the body to block pain signals. The CMS 3000 TENS unit sends comfortable impulses through the skin that stimulate the nerve (or...

Meditation vs. Medication

Through meditation our mind begins to settle, and as it does, something extraordinary takes place: all the fragmented aspects of ourselves come home. Negativity and aggression, pain, suffering, and frustration are actually defused. Often, you may feel the situation...

The Vital Psoas Muscle

Connecting , Physical , Emotional & Spiritual Well  Being Excerpts from Author Joann Stauguards- Jones book The Vital Psoas Muscle   The core area of our bodies is made up of a group of muscles that girdle the spine to hold it in balance. The Psoas Major is...

Topical Prescription Creams vs. Narcotics and Opiods

A recent survey has shown why switching to topical prescription creams can greatly benefit those who are addicted to opiods and other narcotics.       The survey conducted in 2013 by the Patient Outcomes Analytics (POA) interviewed 3,600 chronic pain...