
Of note:

Dr. Hughes’ primary rationale for use of injected ozone, alongside its benefits to mitigate pain, is its safe and very potent antimicrobial effects as part of sterile technique.

Ozone therapy can induce the following biological responses

  1. Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery in ischemic tissue owing to NO, CO, and increase levels of intra-erythrocytic 2, 3-DPG.
  2. Enhances general metabolism by improving oxygen delivery.
  3. Upregulates cellular antioxidant enzymes and induction of HO-1 and HSP70.
  4. Induces a mild activation of the immune system and enhances the release of growth factors
  5. Does not procure acute or late side effects.
  6. Procures a surprising wellness in most patients, probably via the stimulation of the neuroendocrine system.
  7. Activates neuroprotective systems.

ii) Monolateral or even bilateral injection of 5-10 mL of gas with an ozone concentration of up to 20 μg/mL is performed into the trigger points of the paravertebral muscles corresponding to the metamers of the herniated disc usually interesting from L4 to S1 [62]. This “chemical acupuncture” is the indirect approach for treating lumbar disc herniation and alternate daily treatments for about 3 weeks yield a therapeutic results in about 68% of the patients [63]. 

A single subcutaneous injection of O3 in mouse with spared nerve injury of the sciatic nerve was found to decrease the neuropathic pain-type behavior. Mechanism of this action is yet unclear but O3 was observed to regulate the expression of the genes that play vital role in onset and maintenance of allodynia.[48]

Provided that the ozone dose is within the well defined range, there is only a transitory decrease (no more than 25%) of the potent antioxidant capacity of plasma [54] fully reconstituted within 20 min owing to the efficiency of the redox system [32]. There is neither damage to erythrocytes nor to other cells: hemolysis is negligible (from 0.4 up to 1.2%), there is no leakage of K+ and methemoglobin remains normal [55]. It must be added that ozonated erythrocytes show an improved glycolysis with an increase of ATP and 2,3-DPG levels, which are able to shift the dissociation curve of HbO2 to the right, confirming the observation of an improved delivery of oxygen in peripheral obstructive arterial disease.



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