Mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutics

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells that are being clinically explored as a new therapeutic for treating a variety of immune-mediated diseases. First heralded as a regenerative therapy for skeletal tissue repair, MSCs have recently been shown to...

What Are Multipotent Stem Cells?

Multipotent stem cells have the same basic features of all stem cells. As with all stem cells multipotent stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the ability to: Self-renew for long periods of time and differentiate into specialized cells with specific functions...

What is Mesenchyme?

Mesenchyme is a type of animal tissue comprised of loose cells embedded in a mesh of proteins and fluid, called the extracellular matrix. The loose, fluid nature of mesenchyme allows its cells to migrate easily and play a crucial role in the origin and development of...

Adult Stem Cells Scientific References

Cell Applications. Cellular Differentiation. Kunter, U., Rong, S., Boor, P., Eitner, F., Müller-Newen, G., Djuric, Z., … & Milovanceva-Popovska, M. (2007)....

MSK Ultrasound Imaging for Prolozone Applications

MSK Ultrasound Imaging for Prolozone Applications from Megan Haines 1. MSK Ultrasound Imaging for Prolozone Applications Dr. John C. Hughes, D.O. April 11-13 AAOT Conference (Dallas, Texas) 2. MSK Ultrasound Visualization and Prolozone Applications  MSK Ultrasound...