Rib Pain

  Rib PainRib pain (Rib fracture, costochondritis, intercostal muscle strain, Chapman reflex) Rib pain can result from rib fractures, costochondritis, intercostal strain, or a Chapman reflex. Rib fractures can be addressed by a very skilled osteopathic practitioner using PRP (as bioactive plasma) or prolotherapy but patients are, at first, advised to rest the injury for at least a week before getting carefully placed injections. Costochondritis, intercostal strains or sternum injuries can also be addressed with osteopathic manual therapy along with bioactive PRP and prolotherapy. Chapman reflexes, also known as neurolymphatic visceral-somatic reflexes, correspond to inflamed or damaged organs such as the heart, liver, or colon. These reflexes are located at specific points on the ribs, often close to the thoracic or lumbar spine. Osteopathic manual therapy is used to gently massage these points for rib pain relief and decrease overall sympathetic tone for relaxing the entire area of inflammation.