By Dr. Jill Carnahan MD Sep 25, 2017 from

Alzheimer’s disease has reached epidemic proportions.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the third cause of death in the United States and over 47 million people live with it globally. It’s a devastating and deeply saddening disease for those affected and also their families and caretakers.

While our treatments of many other chronic illnesses have improved, the treatment of Alzheimer’s has shown little improvement over the last decade. This sad truth demands a hard look at different approaches to find new solution.

Fortunately, new multisystem approaches to diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s is showing promising results. Leading the charge in the multifaceted approach to treating Alzheimer’s disease is Dr. Dale Bredesen of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.

Dr. Bredesen has identified better diagnostics, different subtypes of Alzheimer’s, and comprehensive programs which have successfully reversed AD cognitive decline through lifestyle interventions, targeted nutrient therapies, and remedial diets.

I believe we are at the forefront of ending Alzheimer’s through cognitive decline reversal and more precise diagnostics.

What is Alzheimer’s, Anyway?

Alzheimer’s disease is progressive neurodegenerative condition that eventually leads to dementia. AD usually presents later in life, after the seventh decade.

Early onset of AD can be measured with diagnostic testing but is relatively asymptomatic, also called the silent phase. Once symptoms are observable, AD has reached the later stages of dementia which are bad enough to interfere with daily abilities.

Alzheimer’s is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles between the neurons in the brain. These plaques and tangles block cell-to-cell signaling and cause the symptoms commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptom of Alzheimer’s vs. Normal Aging

It’s important to note that symptoms of Alzheimer’s are not normal signs of aging.

It doesn’t matter how old an individual is, the following symptoms are never considered acceptable. If you or someone you love experiences symptoms of AD, you should make an appointment with your functional medicine doctor immediately.

Let’s take a closer look at the difference between symptoms of Alzheimer’s and signs of normal aging.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Normal Signs of Aging
Forgetting recently learned information, such as events, dates, and names. Asking for the same information over and over. Forgetting appointments or names – but remembering them later.
Forgetting how to complete familiar tasks, such as paying bills or following a favorite recipe. Making occasional math errors when solving problems.
Having trouble solving familiar problems, such as driving home or remembering the rules to a game. Needing help with settings on electronics.
Losing track of seasons, dates, or the passage of time. Forgetting what day it is – but remembering it later.
Having vision difficulties such as judging distance, contrast, and reading. Vision changes due to cataracts.
Struggling to follow or join in conversations and forgetting the names of items. Having trouble finding the right word.
Losing items, finding them in unusual places, and not remembering how they got there. Misplacing items but being able to retrace steps to find them.
Significant lapses in judgement. Making a bad decision from time to time.
Significant social withdrawal. Sometimes canceling events due to lower energy levels.
Significant mood and personality changes. Preferring things a certain way and becoming irritated when routine is disrupted.

I want to dispel the myth that any of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s could ever be considered “normal” aging. Your brain is an incredibly powerful and resilient organ and should never “normally” experience symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Did You Know Mold Can Cause Alzheimer’s?

There isn’t one single cause of Alzheimer’s. This is why most AD treatments have been mostly unsuccessful, until now. There are multiple metabolic processes involved in AD and six subtypes.

Interestingly, subtype 3 is also called Inhalational Alzheimer’s Disease (IAD) and caused by inhaled toxins which bioaccumulate overtime. We already know how dangerous mold can be, but the fact that we now know biotoxins can cause Alzheimer’s is reason for grave concern.

Though these subtypes aren’t widely accepted in the mainstream medical community, they are used in functional medicine to aid in proper diagnosis and the development of comprehensive treatments plans.

The six subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease include:

Type 1: This form of AD is considered inflammatory and patients present with inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and chemokines.

Type 1.5: In-between types 1 and 2 because these patients have both inflammatory and atrophic factors.

Type 2: This form of AD is due to atrophic factors such as an increase in homocysteine, glutamate receptor dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Type 3: Caused by biotoxins exposures such as mycotoxins, which are emitted by mold.

Type 4: Caused when vascular impairment is driving amyloid accumulation. 
Type 5: Associated with a history of head trauma. Patients experience significant personality changes such as lack of empathy and temper.

It’s important to understand the differences in these AD subtypes because identifying the root cause of any illness gives us the best chance at treating the condition.

Alzheimer’s Disease Subtype 3

Alzheimer’s disease type 3 has been found to be a direct result of exposure to specific toxins overtime. Inhalational Alzheimer’s Disease lab results can present similar to chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) patients. However, their symptoms will look more like AD dementia.

Symptoms of type 3 Alzheimer’s disease include memory loss, trouble recalling words, and difficulty with familiar tasks, yet they also have symptoms associated with chronic toxin exposure, such as a metallic taste and increased sensitivity to smell.

2014 study found fungal macromolecules in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, directly supporting categorization of type 3 AD. Additionally, a 2015 study found fungal infections in brains of 10 Alzheimer’s patients further supporting the concerning fact that mold can cause Alzheimer’s disease.

The light that’s been shed on the causes of Alzheimer’s diseases has also revealed the different treatment possibilities for successfully reversing cognitive decline.

Reversing Cognitive Decline is Within Reach

Dr. Dale Bredesen has published a number of case studies of patients where he’s successfully reversed AD cognitive decline. The Bredesen Protocol works to identify and treat over four dozen mechanisms that contribute to AD.

Using the same Protocol concepts, you can incorporate the following habits to prevent personal cognitive decline. Each of these steps is scientifically backed and has been shown to prevent cognitive decline

  1. Reduce sugar and carb intake – Low sugar and carb diets have been linked to a reduced risk for developing AD.
  2. Fast Overnight – Fasting helps put your body in ketogenesis, which has been shown to lower the risk of AD development.
  3. Reduce toxic burden – Toxins are the cause of type 3 AD. Additionally, toxins mess with your mitochondria, which are at the core of all AD related metabolic processes.
  4. Get quality sleep – Get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This means you should address any sleep interrupting disorders such as sleep apnea.
  5. Exercise everyday – Exercising every day, even if it’s a quick 20-minute HIIT workout or leisurely walk, has been linked to a reduced risk of developing AD.
  6. Take brain boosting supplements – Talk with your functional medicine doctor about brain boosting supplements. I recommend DHA, Citicoline, vitamins B12, C, D, E, and probiotics.

Promising research and functional medicine approaches are already successfully reversing AD cognitive decline.

It’s hopeful that the end of Alzheimer’s is near!

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