- Decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol
- Cut through and reduce phlegm congesting the lungs and sinuses, or phlegm expressed externally as pus (ex. acne, boils, shingles)
- Cut through adipose (fat) and cellulite tissue to assist weight loss, especially when taken first thing in the morning before breakfast
- Decrease “fatty” liver
- Astringe body fluid to help prevent abnormal fluid discharge (ex. night sweats, spontaneous daytime sweats, seminal leakage, urine incontinence, bedwetting) – this is based on over 4000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which each flavour in food is understood to have a therapeutic purpose, and “sour” flavoured foods are used in herbal medicine to help astringe unwanted leakage of body fluids
- Maintain teeth and mouth health
- Reduce sweet, pastry and gluten cravings (which all cause acidic environments in the body)
- Detoxify and alkalize acidic conditions seen in many diseases ailing people today (ex. rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, gout, diabetes type II, multiple sclerosis, digestive disorders, allergies, chronic fatigue)
- Nourish and relax tight fascia tissue – ligaments, tendons and connective tissue
- Maintain glowing, moisturized healthy skin and boost immunity
Read the full article LEMON JUICE – ACIDIC, ALKALINE OR BOTH? By: Dr. Mee Lain Ling